
This tag is associated with 10 posts

Others Primary Liver Cancer

Kolangiokarsinoma Is a cancer that originates in the lining of the bile ducts within the liver or bile ducts. In Eastern countries, liver infestation by parasites (flatworms / tapeworm), thought to contribute to the occurrence of this cancer. In patients with ulcerative colitis and chronic sclerotic cholangitis, sometimes occur kolangiokarsinoma. Hepatoblastoma Hepatoblastoma is a cancer … Continue reading

Types of Liver Tumors

Liver tumors can be benign or malignant. Malignant tumors that can be derived from the liver or is spread (metasatase) of other body parts. Malignant tumors derived from the liver is called primary liver cancer and those from other parts of the body is called metastatic cancer. The majority of liver cancer is metastatic cancer. … Continue reading

Ways Pollution Affect Heart Health

Is well known that heart attacks related to hypertension, diabetes, and smoking. Now, there is another factor that could be the cause of disease heart health is air pollution. Pollution affects the expansion and contraction of blood vessels that affect blood pressure. According to French researchers from Paris Cardiovascular Research Center, the high levels of … Continue reading

Recognize the Early Signs of Heart Disease

Before heart disease appear more threatening and scary, it’s good to peep what the signs : The pressure is heavy on the chest, often referred to as the usual chest pain. Due to cardiac cells are not getting enough oxygen because of reduced blood flow to heart muscles. The first sign can be seen from … Continue reading

Coronary Heart

Description Coronary heart disease is a disease caused by a narrowing or blockage of coronary arteries, the blood vessels carrying blood mengaliran nutrients and oxygen needed to function the heart muscle to pump blood throughout the body. Cause The disease is caused by the buildup of fat on the inside walls of blood vessels of … Continue reading

5 Foods That Support Healthy Heart

The heart is one of the most vital organ in the human body. Function as pumping blood around the body like lead role in a theater carpet. If the heart does not function well, surely the body’s metabolism will not work optimally. According to research conducted by prof. Bambang Irawan from the University of Gadjah … Continue reading

Recognize the Signs of Heart Disease Public

Heart disease does not know age. Not a few people who look but apparently suffered a heart attack. Even a heart attack claimed as a human being the number one killer in the world. In the United States, 1.5 million people die each year from heart attacks. Actual heart attack risk can be minimized as … Continue reading